Introducing SEFA’s Amavulandlela Funding Scheme for entrepreneurs with disabilities

There is growing general concern that the majority of people living with disabilities in South Africa are excluded from the mainstream society and have thus been prevented from accessing fundamental social and economic rights. This has resulted in high levels of poverty and unemployment among this community. As an all-inclusive economic development catalyst, SEFA has designed a scheme solely for entrepreneurs with disabilities.

Who can apply?

The scheme is targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises and co-operatives with at least 50 + 1% ownership by entrepreneurs with disabilities. The disabilities will have to be verified.

  • The entrepreneur will have to be operationally involved in the daily running of the business.
  • Funding is preferred to assist businesses to expand, but meritorious start-ups can also be supported.
  • Funding is preferred to be used for the fulfilment of orders or contracts.
  • Financing applications must have economic merit (financially sustainable & technically feasible).

How will the scheme benefit entrepreneurs with disabilities?

  • The scheme will offer entrepreneurs with disabilities the standard credit facilities ranging from R50 000 up to R5 million at a preferential fixed interest rate of 7% per annum.
  • Repayment terms for facilities will be up to 60 months. The actual loan duration will be subject to the projected cash flows of the business.
  • Normal SEFA loan administration fees will apply

Additional Customised Benefits

The scheme will also offer the following non-financial support:

  • Pre-Approval Assistance (only if required) – Will be for up to 5% of the total intended investment but not exceeding R75 000.
    • Will be targeted assistance to bring the application to a bankable stage, including mentoring, technical assistance, sourcing and negotiating with suitable suppliers.
    • Will be recovered from the applicant by means of a loan and it shall have a moratorium of 3 months after disbursement (if the loan application has been approved).
  • Post-Approval Assistance (for a maximum amount of up to R350 000) – This will be used for in-depth mentoring and coaching as well as any other business support required up to 2 years.

Exclusions The standard sefa exclusions will still apply in respect of the following businesses: • labour brokers; • manufacturing and selling of ammunition; • tobacco, liquor, gambling and sex trade; • non-profit organisations; • political organisations; • persons under debt review; • un-rehabilitated insolvent shareholders and/or directors of applying entities; • primary agriculture (except cash crops and the applicant must have an off take agreement); and • speculative property development.



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