Wheelchair handling training

Wheelchairs and positioning devices can have optimal impact when the users and all who care for or work with them understand the features of the device, how it works, adjusts and how to best use it during the user’s daily activities.

The provision of a wheelchair alone opens doors to opportunity but does not always result in the user being fully included in the life of his community. For this reason we team up with Uhambo to capacitate seating practitioners, families, carers and the broader community to support children affected by mobility impairment and their families and to see that they become more fully part of the life of the community.

The social enterprise offers training which:

  • Is led by a team of professionals, technicians, and program facilitators
  • Models and encourages disability-friendly attitudes and handling of people with disabilities
  • Aligns with international and local policy, and recommended best practice
  • Builds practical skills through ‘hands-on’ mentoring in groups (optimal 15 per group)
  • Is accessible, cost- effective and community- based
  • Is flexibly designed to meet different needs, times, and sites
  • Is supported with participant resources and ongoing advice
  • Complements training of our partners
  • Training options vary from short 2-hour once-off sessions to a series of ½ day inputs to internships over a few months. Mentoring may be offered through outreach seating clinics.
  • We are always open to consider collaborations with local and international students or groups interested in contributing to new design, research, or service development.
  • Training is not scheduled at fixed times during the year but is arranged in consultation with the social enterprise to best meet your specific needs
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