Hands on autism – practical approaches for professionals

This practical workshop is geared towards all professionals with or without an understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Psychologists as well as educators would benefit from the training.

The Practical Approaches for Professionals Workshop is a collaborative effort between Autism South Africa and the Johannesburg School for Autism to provide affordable, practical and experiential autism specific training to teachers, therapists and even classroom assistants. The 5-day programme is based on a combination of ASD approaches that are internationally accepted as best practice for ASD intervention.

Practical Approaches for Professionals is accredited with:

  • 20 CPD points for the 3 days by the Health Professions Council for all disciplines.
  • 15 CPD points by the SACSSP for Social Workers.
  • 10 CPD points for Educators by the South African Council for Educators.

Participants will receive a hand-out for each topic and all resource materials will be supplied for the practical sessions.

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