Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa

Our Vision: By 2022, we envisage occupational therapy as an integral, evidence-based and relevant force meeting society’s occupational needs in partnership with key stakeholders and the public. Our Goal and Aims: .OTASA’s main goal is to further the practice of Occupational Therapy, and we take pride in representing the profession and all occupational therapy professionals (OTs, Students and OTAs and OTTs). Our Mission: The Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa (OTASA) is the professional association that advances the dynamic growth of quality occupational therapy with a focus on occupation and a distinct South African identity. OTASA aims to support, promote and represent the profession of occupational therapy as a key element of the health services in South Africa. OTASA also strives to render a quality service to its members and to add value to their careers. It is furthermore dedicated to the advancement of the occupational therapy profession and the improvement of services to the consumer.

Contact number: 012-362-5457/084 681 0403
Email Address: otoffice@uitweb.co.za
Website: www.otasa.org.za



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