The residents of the Merewent Cheshire Home came out in their numbers, armed with their placards and pamphlets, to raise disability awareness on International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), observed on Friday, December 3.
On this day, the World Health Organisation (WHO) joins other partners around the world to celebrate a day for all. According to WHO, more than one billion people experience disability, and this figure is predicted to rise, due in part to population ageing and an increase in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. Despite this, few countries have adequate mechanisms in place to respond fully to the health priorities and requirements of persons with disabilities.
For Merewent Cheshire Home social worker, Samara Hughes, disability awareness offers an opportunity for communities to remove stigmas and barriers in order to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities through concrete action.
Supporting the home’s initiative was Powasol, who sponsored lunch and toiletry hampers on the day.
Cheshire Home is an international organisation dedicated to serving the needs of people with physical disabilities. The home is one of 16 service centres in South Africa. It offers 24-hour residential care, daily meals, nursing and social work services as well as programmes and activities.
The organisation is situated at 15 Eksteen Road, (the corner of Eksteen and Tiflin Roads in Merewent). For more information contact Winnie Mkhize on 079 341 6435 or the Merewent Cheshire Home on 031 468 1667.