autism awareness

World Autism Day: ‘I faced barriers but found my voice’

Perhaps to some, Tallulah Dorer-Perrin looks neurotypical (individuals with typical neurological development functioning). But that’s if you judge people at face value. Dorer-Perrin has autism – an “invisible disability” that makes every aspect of her life, including walking into a brightly lit lecture theatre alongside groups of loud students, doubly challenging. By Niémah Davids. Image […]

World Autism Day: ‘I faced barriers but found my voice’ Read More »

Autism acceptance is critical to building a truly inclusive society

Christopher Banks, President and CEO of the Autism Society of America penned a powerful article recently about the difference between autism “awareness” and autism “acceptance” and why the two must go hand in hand if we are to become a truly inclusive society. While his narrative is US-focused, these are universal truths that apply as

Autism acceptance is critical to building a truly inclusive society Read More »